Friday, October 19, 2012

Bassingham to Gressingham with Dip

So to the last full day at the Rings and a trip out to Bassingham for Marcus, Thea and I for more supplies.  Some dessert was sourced for lunch, extra vegetables and the Sunday papers.  The papers, an institution in the UK.

Bassingham is a very English Village and I am reminded despite urban growth just how village centric large parts of rural England are.  The Five Bells with its dovecote a lovely sight.  We shopped in the local  Spar and Marcus cleverly located a bacon butty kitchen in the back end of the shop.  Thea at this time was sitting in the car in her Jim Jams so somewhat confined.  Three bacon butties later and shopping done we were on our way back to Haddington and the Rings.

Walking and swimming featured as was by now the norm and the arrival of pups was still awaited.

Northampton Saints on the TV beating Glasgow in the Heineken Cup was a feature for a change live for me instead of after the event on Sport World in Canada.
Right on cue and before the curtain closed on Rings time Desmond and Deirdre turned up for a photo.
Lunch was a team effort and a fantastic leg of Lamb was joined by a large Gressingham Duck.  Onion sauce, carrot and swede mash, and ……..but stop! This whole holiday seems to revolve around food….Oh, well, plenty of time to diet once back in Canada…

It was a day with some departures and we bad farewell to Dimi and Thea.  Dimi headed back to Leeds and Thea from there by train back to Manchester.
More pool time was followed with Hot Tub dipping for men.
Our night concluded with another dose of Lee Evans and farewell to George because he would be well on his way back into London before we surfaced.

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