Saturday, November 5, 2011

Sister Act Day Six

Before we get into day six of the girls visit, it's important for me to relate an event from earlier in the week.  Sheridan the shrew; long time resident of the basement and gutsy rodent in general, passed away.  Manda and Kim discovered his body; arms and legs stretched out in rigour.  His BMI exceeded normal shrew health limits and we know , because he was caught in the act, that he climbed into the cats kibble bowl to feast.  The gutsy is a reference to his exraordinary courage and the size of his stomach.  When disturbed he ran for the pantry but could not squeeze under the door.  I had to open the door to let him waddle onward.  Why he chose to expire in our underwear bag is not known.  Perhaps death like life for Sheridan was just pants!  RIP Sheridan.

Our day six started reasonably early with coffee, toast and muffins.  We had a planned walk on the seafront at Salmon Point and needed to be on the road by 9 to ensure we got back in time to change and head out to a restaurant for lunch.  Manda opted to spend some time with Mike catching up on family histories and the rest of us 'intrepid explorers all' drove down the coastroad to Salmon Point to go Yomping (military term for hiking).  I caught Rafa smiling at the prospect.

The walk from Salmon Point out to the Oyster River and then back along the beach is lovely and each season is so different.  Cherie had a chance to chat one to one with Sue and Kim and I moved ahead with Rafa flipping in and out of the undergrowth left and right.

The walkers that regularly use this trail are a community.  Most of them are dog owners; pleasant greetings are exchanged as people pass by.  The most interesting story related to the walk is the small tree next to the trail that is decorated each Christmas.  Additional decoration is provided by berries impaled on the barbed wire strands on the fence.  The picture shows the effect better than my description can.

The walk is a noose....i.e. long trail leading to a circular walk which takes in the beach before rejoining the trail back.  The fresh sea air and the wildlife feed the spirit. 

After the bald eagle no show earlier in the week we finally got to see this magnificant bird of prey.  He flew over us and into a nearby tree. 

Immediately before that a giant heron doing some Karate Kid stuff on a wooden post.  Both there for the Salmon.  Campbell River, just as an aside, is the Salmon Capital of the world.  Famous regular visitors included John Wayne, Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russel.  Interestingly Harrison Hot Springs boasted Clark Gable as a regular.

We completed our walk headed back to Willow Point, Campbell River and picked up Mike and Manda before going back to the Salmon Point Restaurant for lunch.  Manda and Cherie's treat, a lovely meal and again on the seafront.  There is something in my being that feels complete when I am by the sea; I know Kim has similar feelings.  Cherie also stated the same.  Where Kim and I are concerned its interesting just how much the sea features in our pasts.  Both of our natural fathers were seamen and both did time on trawlers.  The traditional holiday for British kids is the seaside and we had years on very happy holidays in Bracklesham Bay and in East Wittering Sussex as well as holidays in Cornwall.

Our evening was a carefully preplanned surprise birthday party for Mike K.  The dress code was pyjamas to commemorate Kim and Cherie turning up at Mike and Sue's home in Maple Ridge in PJ's 25 year previously after a night on the tiles.  Kim had bought party hats and blowers as well as a mirror ball and this picture is Mike showing his approval.

A Pork Loin dinner preceded hours of chatter and hysterics.  Relaying tales from our childhoods and hilarious family stories put us away for the day and we were in bed pretty early that night.  Probably just as well given that we would be up early next day to head back to Nanaimo and the return ferry to the mainland.

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