My grateful thanks to Cousin Nikki for the lead. Blog is a far more refreshing way of sharing news and keeping in touch compared to my bloody email missives...a little splash of colour here and there; gotta be good so pardon my 'nicking' your idea.
So why Mission Accomplished? Well, Mission is where we live and our home is pictured above. Accomplished infers completed so perhaps the blog should be Mission Accomplishing. We are still on a journey.
I still have far too much time on my hands and continue to search for gainful employment. Own business venture suffering from both lack of marketing, recession and uptake. Canadians not quite so safety and security needy as the Brits and don't seem to have the same savvy. I think thats why my 'light years ahead' concepts scared my previous employer, the City of Surrey. In any event I am better detached from that municipality; far too political an arena for objective operation. I press on optimistically and can always don an apron and work at KFC if needs must. Kim, bless her little cotton socks, is helping us keep our heads above water along with Canadian Employment Insurance.
Reece and Marcus fly into Vancouver next Friday and we have them for two and a half weeks. So looking forward to seeing them. Family separation is the toughest part of being half a globe away...Got three day fishing trip planned at a remote log cabin location about 4 hours north of here. The great Hi Hium, well known to Cherie and Diane. We also plan a round trip over two days to Whistler; a trek into the States and maybe catch the Ferry across to Vancouver Island and visit Mike and Sue Kirkland, so we'll be busy. Hot tub ready; if not of quite the same quality as Cherie and Diane's, and fire pit also primed and barbecue ready.
Monday October 11th is Canadian Thanksgiving so we'll be doing the full Turkey and all the trimmings followed by pumpkin pie; good to have the boys share that event as well. The basement is set aside for the lads and the beer fridge is both tried and tested and will be stocked.
Just getting the last pickings out of the vegetable garden but the first year has been a good one and we have learned a great deal. Right at the end of peaches and cream corn season but will have fresh corn for the boys and i've never tasted sweeter.
I'll sign off now with an invite to family and friends to come and visit us and this place.
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